Re: Removing duplicate rows from a report
Hey @Sandy Glassberg You can find the first instance of a row with the help of a column that indicates row position (ex: [Row ID], Created Date - anything that tracks the relative position down (or u…2 · -
Re: Want a column to autopopulate parent taskname
Hey @Corey McCarren Good, I'm glad you figured out to insert your primary column. Instead of using the specific row number, use @row so that it remains a dynamic reference. =PARENT([Task Name]@row)1 · -
Re: Change Status based on Checkbox
Hey @Caitlin Goodman If I understand you correctly, we'll only have to use Nested IFs for this formula vs also incorporating the AND/ORs. When thinking about Nested IFs, we first look for any conditi…1 · -
Re: AVERAGEIF and Quarters
Hey @Amy Evans The syntax smartsheet is expecting for an AverageIF is AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, [average_range]), where the first range is part of the range-criteria pair, and the last range is what…1 · -
Re: is it possible to create a search form to query existing data in a sheet?
Hey @Steve Cohen A form cannot do lookups directly, using a form you would need to couple this with a mechanism (a separate sheet, dashboard, update request, report, etc) that could return the inform…1 ·